What is an SAS Service Alert?

SAS Service Alerts are email and text notifications that are sent to the main contact on your account, in addition to anyone who has been checked off to receive service alerts. Alerts begin with your free trial and may be periodically sent throughout your time on service, for any of the following reasons:

  • We will send you alerts after the trial period regarding reviewing your call script.
  • We will send you alerts if your account has exceeded the usage threshold and is scheduled for automatic upgrade.
  • We will send you alerts if the account has passed the 21-day grace period for remitting payment and is scheduled for suspension. (Note that the 21-day grace period only applies to accounts that have been on service for 6 months or more. Clients on service for 6 months or less are subject to automatic upgrades when usage exceeds your rate plan.)
  • We will send you alerts if your account has been suspended for non-payment.
  • We will send you alerts if there are outages at a call center location or any other issue that would affect your service.

If you need to update the email address(es) or mobile number(s) on your account, submit a support ticket, or contact Customer Service.

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