How do I forward my Google Voice number to Specialty Answering Service?

In order to forward your Google Voice number to your Specialty Answering Service line, please contact the Specialty Answering Service Customer Support office during business hours, 8:30 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday, at 1-866-688-8912.

NOTE: Specialty Answering Service is not affiliated with Google Voice.

How does call forwarding work?

If you're using Google Voice with a Google number (including a number that you've ported into Google Voice), your Google number is now your hub for getting all of your calls. So, when people call your Google number, you can have your calls forwarded to different phones. Please note that if you are using Google Voice outside of the United States, it's not possible to forward your calls to SAS.

Logging in to Google Voice

The instructions below correlate to Google Voice's new interface. Once you are logged in to to your Google Account, go to the website, and continue with these instructions.

Add and verify a linked number.

To add a linked number:

  1. Click the settings gear icon at the top right of the Google Voice window.
  2. On the next screen, you will see your Account details, including any devices or numbers you have. If you are currently forwarded to any other number, or if there is a device with a phone number attached to it, click the X to the right of the linked number, and in the dialog box that appears, click DELETE.
  3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure not to click DELETE below your Google Voice number!
  4. After any linked numbers have been deleted, click the + sign next to NEW LINKED NUMBER.
  5. A dialog box will open where you will see Add number. Here, you will Enter the Forward Number provided by SAS.
  6. Wait for the go-ahead from the Customer Support agent, and then click SEND CODE in the lower right corner of the dialog box.
  7. Google Voice will send a text message through to the forward number with a 6-digit verification code. This will be intercepted by our programming team. Once the code is received, Customer Support will relay the information to you. Note that you can also send the verification code via phone call if the texting option is not working. If you are on our Flex platform, you can retrieve the code from your portal by following the instructions here.
  8. In the next dialog box, Enter the code you received to the right of the G, and then click VERIFY in the lower right corner.
  9. If the number was linked successfully, you will see the message All linked up.
  10. Click FINISH.

NOTE: Due to software integration issues, Google Voice may not connect on the first try. See additional settings under "If Google Voice is not able to connect," and continue with this process until it connects successfully.

If Google Voice is not able to connect...

You may need to adjust your Legacy Google Voice settings. To do so, go to

  1. Click the gear icon at the top right of the window, and select Settings.
  2. Next, click the Calls tab. Select Off in the Call Screening section, and click Confirm. Also, verify that Do Not Disturb and Call Options are not checked.
  3. Then, click the Groups & Circles tab, and Edit your circles. Under When people in this group call youRing my should be selected, and only the SAS number should be checked. Be sure that Enable call screening for this group is turned Off.
  4. Click Save Changes to accept any changes you have made.

If Google Voice forwarding initially connects but does not remain connected...

If you have chosen to utilize an upfront greeting and Google Voice does not remain connected, there are two things that can be done to troubleshoot the issue.

  1. We can turn off call recording on the line.
  2. We can remove the upfront recorded greeting and have the operators say the name of the company.
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