Adding a Logic Option in your Script
In the Call Script Builder, a Logic Option, or logic step, can be used to provide the operators with choices of the appropriate path to follow based on callers' responses or requests. For example, the very first step in a script, which includes the operators' opening greeting, is a logic step. Logic steps are commonly used in appointment scheduling, scripting that differs based on weekday, date, or time, paths that include a warm transfer, and any path that includes an app integration.
In this tutorial, we will update our initial drop down of call options and add a secondary Logic Option after.
To start, you’ll want to click on the Message icon in the top left corner, next to the operator greeting. When you open it, the script’s path options will appear showing the following:
- Text: This column will show the name of each path.
- Profile: This column will show which profile each path is assigned to.
- Next: This column will be where your Next Step is pointed to.
To add a new path option, click the blue + sign towards the bottom. This will open up a new blank row which you can start to fill in.
In this tutorial, we’ve named the new path Calling for a Quote. As you can see, we left the Profile field blank, as we want to wait to assign profiles later on in this path. However, depending on the updates you’re making, you can fill in this field whenever.
For the Next Step, we’ve chosen to create a New Logic. If you wanted, you could choose from any script step that has already been created if you didn’t want to create your own. However, the changes you make may be linked to another path, so it's a good idea to just start new.
Before moving on to the next step, click the Checkmark to continue.
Now that we’ve created the shell of our new Logic Option, it’s time to customize it.
First, click the Message icon. You’ll see a drop down of four options:
- Default
- Fetch URL
- Warm Transfer
- Business Hours
In this case, we will use Default.
Now you’ll need to fill in the appropriate text. The Name field will be the name of your Logic Option. In this case, we’ve named ours NewVsExisting. In the Text box, we’ve typed up the operator text which will be read to the caller.
Next we will need to add our options by clicking the blue + sign towards the bottom. In this case, we will have two: New Customer and Existing Customer.
After naming our different options, we'll need to add our Next Steps. Depending on the type of updates your are making, you may also want to assign each new option to its own Profile.
In our tutorial, we've chosen 2.FirstNameSchedule as our Next for New Customers. For now, we will just leave the Next for Existing Customers as New Input, to be built later.
Since 2.FirstNameSchedule is a step that has already been created in the system, we can assume the rest of that path is finished (meaning, there are other steps that eventually lead to an Outcome). If you're not sure, take a few minutes to go forward in the script following that path to make sure it's set up correctly.
Once your first option is completed, we'll focus on building out our 2nd option for Existing Customers. In this case, we'll go to a New Input so that we can create new steps.
Click the Checkmark to continue.
Once you’re back at the screen below, select Existing Customer from the drop down and click the arrow to continue forward.
To create a new step, select the Message icon next to New Input, and select FirstName from the drop down.
Click the checkmark to continue. On the next screen, you can customize the operator text, turn step requirements on/off, and select your Next Step. In this case, we'll go to another New Input to create another new step.
Following the steps outlined above, we'll select the Message icon next to New Input, and choose PhoneNumber from the drop down.
Click the checkmark to continue, and add in your desired operator text.
Depending on the type of updates you are working on, you may want to continue adding new steps. However, in this tutorial we will have the Next step go to a New Outcome so that we can close out the call.
Since it’s pretty bare, we’ll want to customize it to fit our needs. Again, click the Message icon to pull up the text box.
Next click the Checkmark, and Publish Changes.