How to Block Numbers in SAS Flex

If your SAS line is getting spammed with robo-dialers, prank callers or telemarketers, you can block specific numbers right from your SAS Flex portal either from your Number Settings, or right from your call log. Blocking numbers will block them from both calling and texting your SAS forwarding number.

In this article we'll discuss:

Blocking Numbers From Your Settings

Within SAS Flex, go to your User icon in the upper right-hand corner and click Settings. 

On the main Settings page, scroll down to the Telephony section and select Numbers.

On the next page, select the SAS number you wish to update.

From the Number Settings page, select Block Callers section at the bottom of the page. Then type in the number(s) you want blocked, separating each with a comma. If you want to block all calls coming from a particular country, you can enter the 2-letter country code in the Country code block list (see the list of 2-letter country codes here).

When you are finished, click Save in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Blocking Numbers from Your Call Log

In your Call Log, select the call that you wish to block the number for. 
On the call details page, click the 3-dot menu on the right-hand side of your screen and select Block Caller. 

Once selected, a window will pop-up asking if you're sure you want to block this number. After clicking OK, the number will be added to the block list which is visible in your Settings.  

Blocking Numbers From Your SMS Log

Within SAS Flex, go to the Messages icon on the left-side menu

Within the Messages log, select the SMS thread you wish to block.

On the right-hand side of your screen, click the 3-dot menu icon and select Block Caller.

Once selected, a window will pop-up asking if you're sure you want to block this number. After clicking OK, the number will be added to the block list which is visible in your Settings.

Blocking Numbers From Your IVR Log

Within SAS Flex, go to the IVR Log icon on the left-side menu.

Within the IVR Log, locate the call you wish to block. Click the 3-dot menu on the right-hand side of your screen and select Block Caller. 

Once selected, a window will pop-up asking if you're sure you want to block this number. After clicking OK, the number will be added to the block list which is visible in your Settings.

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