Adding and Looking up Customer Data Using the Greeting (Lookup) Option within your Greeting Block

Any time a customer calls your business, their data is automatically stored in both your Call Log and within the Customers section of your portal. However, you can also add your own customer data manually. Utilizing the Greeting (Lookup) option within your Greeting Block will allow the system to display previous caller information to the agents to select. Once selected, the will system pre-populate all of the data. This will ensure agents get on and off the phone quickly, which means you can respond to customer requests more efficiently. 

In this article we'll discuss:

Viewing and Adding Customer Data

Within your SAS Flex Portal, click on your User icon and select Customers

On the next page, you'll see a list of all customers that have called your business. 

To view specific call details for any customer, click the 3-dot icon and select Call Detail. You can also Edit or Delete customer data from this view.

To add more customers to this list, click Add. Then fill in the applicable customer data including their name, number, and address. 

Configuring the Lookup Option in the Greeting Block

Click on the Builder icon on the left-hand side of your screen. Then select Blocks

From the Block templates list, locate and select the  Greeting block.

Under the Options tab, use the toggle next to Lookup caller using to activate, then choose how you want agents to look up caller information. In this case, we'll choose SAS Call Log.
You can also use the Lookup option in conjunction with our Salesforce app. For instructions on how to configure the Salesforce app, check out this article.

When you are finished, click Save. Now the next time one of your added customers calls, our system will pre-populate all of their information for the agents!

Additional Details to Know When Using the Lookup Option

  • Customer records are automatically created after each inbound call.
  • Clients can also use the Add button to add their own customer records. Caller ID is required to create a record, and the format must be 12155551111.
  • Clients can Edit and Delete customer records, as well.
  • All data available in the customer record will auto-populate in the script (as long as the feature is being used). That includes Name, Email, any type of Phone Number, and Address.
  • When a call comes in, if there is only 1 matching record based on caller ID, the data will auto-populate with no action required from the agent.
  • When there is more than 1 matching record based on caller ID (for example, agent misspellings, differing info, etc.), agents must select the correct option.
  • If any records with the same phone number and different core information are added, either by the client or by an agent (from an inbound call), they are treated as unique records (e.g., record 1 first name = John, record 2 first name = Jon, both under 12155551111). The data will not be overwritten unless the client manually edits the record.
  • If a record is added (from an inbound call), and the core data is a match to an existing record with the same phone number, nothing new is added to the Customers view.
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