How a rate plan change will affect your invoice on Flex billing

If you upgrade your plan

If you upgrade your rate plan, the change goes through immediately. You will receive an invoice due on receipt for the following:

  • A credit that covers what you already prepaid for the current billing cycle
  • The regular monthly charge for the new rate plan that you selected

Going forward, your monthly invoices will reflect the new rate. Here is an example. Let’s assume that you are currently on the 100-minute plan, and you decide to increase your rate plan on August 10th to the 220-minute plan. On August 10th, you would receive an invoice showing:

What you'll see:  August's new base rate
  • How it was calculated: According to the new 220-minute rate plan you selected
  • Corresponding charge: $239.00
What you'll see:  August's old base rate (shown as a credit)
  • How it was calculated: Your initial August payment was credited
  • Corresponding credit: ($139.00)
If you downgrade your plan

If you downgrade your rate plan, the change goes through immediately. You will receive an invoice showing:
  • A credit that covers what you already prepaid for the current billing cycle, minus the cost of the lower plan you are changing to

Going forward, your monthly invoices will reflect the new rate. Here is an example. Let’s assume you are currently on the 220-minute plan and you decide to decrease your rate plan on August 10th to the 100-minute plan. On August 10th, you would receive an invoice showing:

What you'll see:  August's new base rate
  • How it was calculated: According to the new 100-minute rate plan you selected
  • Corresponding charge: $128.00
What you'll see: August's old base rate (shown as a credit)
  • How it was calculated: Your initial August payment was voided
  • Corresponding credit: ($219.00)
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