Setting Up System Alerts in SAS Flex

Not to be confused with receiving messages, Alerts are how SAS keeps you notified of happenings within your account. They are broken down into 3 groups: Apps, System and Billing, which are explained further below. All email alerts will be sent from

  • Apps: App Alerts include alerts regarding your on-call schedule and/or survey alerts. They can be implemented to send you an email whenever an on-call schedule is about to expire or to see how many survey responses you’ve received. 
  • System: System alerts can notify you when someone logs in under a new IP address, when someone makes updates within the portal, and when someone changes their password.
  • Billing: Billing alerts can notify you when your usage exceeds its allowance or when your usage exceeds its cost-effective threshold.
Only Admins have access to the Alerts feature.

How to add an Alert

Within SAS Flex, go to your User icon in the upper right corner and click Settings

On the main Settings page, select Alerts.

On the next screen, you will see three different sections broken down into Apps, System and Billing. Within each section will be toggles you can activate depending on the types of alerts you wish to receive.
To learn more about billing alerts, check out this article.

If you no longer wish to receive a certain alert, simply un-toggle the option and you’re all set!
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