Requiring Script Blocks

The SAS Script Builder gives you full control over customizing how our operators navigate your script and the information that is ultimately relayed back to you. In most script blocks, you will see a check box under the text input area with the value “Required”. Checking this box will modify how our operators handle your calls.

If you absolutely need information for specific fields, you will want to make sure to check the Required box. When this is checked, operators will not be able to continue on to the next step unless the caller provides them with the requested information. For example, international companies may only offer email support to customers due to differing time zones, which means gathering an email address from callers is imperative in ensuring a response back.

If the caller is unable or unwilling to provide the information, the operator will not be able to continue with the call. In your call log, these calls will be labeled as “Refused Information”.

How to make a script block required

Within SAS Flex, go to the Builder icon on the left-hand side of your screen and select Blocks.

Find the block you wish to create and click on it. In our example, we’ll use the Email block.
Underneath the operator text will be a check box saying Require an answer next to it. If you want this field to be required, simply check the box and hit save.

If you want to make an edit to an already existing block you’ve created, you will want to look under the Custom Blocks tab instead of the Blocks Template tab. Then simply drag out whatever block you wish to update, make the update and then hit Save.
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