How to Export and Import a Script

Importing and Exporting scripts makes the process of updating call handling across multiple accounts easy and hassle-free. Some businesses prefer to set up different accounts based on specific needs or locations, but may want to keep call handling procedures uniform. In those cases, a script on one account can be updated, then exported and re-imported into another account without having to go through the trouble of making the updates twice, thus saving you time and possible programming fees!

In this article we'll discuss:

How to Export a Script

Within SAS Flex, go to the  Builder icon on the left side of your screen and select Scripts

On the main Scripts page, locate the script you wish to export. Click the 3-dot menu icon associated with that script and click Export.

A JSON file of the script will automatically download to your computer. 

How to Import a Script

Within SAS Flex, go to the  Builder icon on the left side of your screen and select Scripts

On the main Scripts page, click the Import script button along the banner on the right-hand side.

In the pop-up window, click Browse .json file to locate and select the previously exported script from your computer. Then click Import script.
NOTE: Users cannot write their own .json file to upload. Users can only re-upload already existing files. 

Once the script has been successfully imported, it will appear within your list of scripts. 

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