Post Message Data to Your Webhooks Using The Custom Action App

While the SAS Flex portal offers a variety of integrations, such as Salesforce, Zoho, MailChimp, and more, we may not have a specific integration for the CRM or marketing software you use. That is where Custom Action comes in. The Custom Action app will automatically push data from your calls into whatever system you are working with, as long as the system has an endpoint URL to capture the data. 

In this article we'll discuss:

Install the Custom Action Integration

In the SAS Flex portal, click the Integrations button from the left-hand navigation panel.

From the Apps screen, click the Install button under Custom Action. 3. On the next screen, you will have three  Authentication methods to choose from when connecting your software to the app:

  • Username + Password + Endpoint URL - Enter your username and password, and then include the endpoint URL where the data will be sent.
  • Auth Key + Endpoint URL - Enter your authorization key, and then include the endpoint URL where the data will be sent.
  • None + Endpoint URL - If there is no authentication method, you can still configure the app to send data to your endpoint URL.

4. Once you've entered your Authentication method, click Save & Connect.

Setting Data Parameters

Now that your software is connected to the app, click Add configuration to begin the set-up. The Custom Action integration section will be displayed.

Name your configuration, and select the string Method that SAS will use to post data to your endpoint URL: non-encoded or JSON-encoded.

If you choose to post data as a JSON string, be sure to test your integration by creating a Request Bin.

Create Your Message to Post

Now, you'll need to create the content of the message we will be posting to your endpoint URL. 

Under Select field, you'll see a list of all of the default and custom block labels associated with your script(s). This will populate the merge fields on the right under Copy merge field. If you have multiple paths, each will have a different set of variables, which you can find under Scripts > Blocks from the left-side navigation menu.

Keep in mind that you can build a separate integration for every script path, each with their corresponding block labels.

Copy and paste the merge fields into the body of the message.

After you add the variables that you'd like to appear in the message, be sure to format them by placing each element on a separate line. You can also add headings like we've included below. Then, click Save.

You'll see your configuration listed under the Integration menu.

Integrate Custom Action into Your Script

When all of your integration settings are complete, contact SAS at to add the integration into the appropriate block in your SAS script, or follow these instructions to integrate the app yourself.

If you've disconnected and reconnected your configuration at any point, you'll need to re-integrate it into your script.

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