Using the Hold My Calls Feature

Within the Profile section of your SAS Flex portal, users can activate the Hold my Calls feature, which controls your warm transfer availability.  If this feature is turned on, agents will not be able to transfer calls during the timeframe you've set. You may want transfers to be held for company meetings, early closures, or any other time you're too tied up to take calls!

Activating the Hold My Calls Feature

Within your SAS Portal, click on the Profiles icon on the left-hand navigation panel.

On the main Profile page, select the Profile you'd like to activate the Hold my Calls feature on. Any Profile that currently has this feature activated will show a "Hold" or "Hold Expired" button as shown in the images below.

To activate, scroll down to the Additional Options section and use the toggle to activate Hold my Calls section and use the toggle to turn the feature on. 

This feature requires the Profile to be associated with either a Warm Transfer or Warm Transfer (Collector) block. If your Profile is not associated with a Warm Transfer block, you will see the below image:

Once the toggle has been turned on, you will need to choose when you want the system to hold your calls, and what message you'd like the operator to relay to your callers.
  • Indefinitely: If this option is chosen, we will hold all transfers until you deactivate the feature. 
  • Hold my calls until: If this option is chosen, you'll need to set a specific date and time. Once the set date and time have expired, we will begin transferring calls again.

When you are done, click Save in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.
When agents attempt a warm transfer when Hold my Calls is activated, they will see the below message:

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