How to integrate SAS Flex with Google Sheets

One of the many features that Google offers is Google Sheets, a spreadsheet software that works just like Excel. If you are currently tracking calls using this feature, or if you'd like to start, integrating the SAS Google Sheets app into your call script will push the data that the operators collect from your callers directly to your spreadsheet. This information would be immediately available every time an operator closes a call.

In this article we'll discuss:

Locate Your Script Variables


Before you can link Google Sheets to the SAS Flex app, you'll need to determine which script variables to integrate.

Each script path will have standard and custom block labels and collectors.

For example, a custom block label for "New or Existing" may be paired with a custom collector {{New_Existing}}.

The system will make all collectors lowercase, and it will insert an underscore (_) where you have spaces.

Standard blocks such as Email and Message would use the standard collectors {{email_address}} and {{ticket_message}}. 

If you have multiple sections in your script, you may have multiple sets of variables. So, you'll need to access the call script builder to determine the block labels in the specific section you are mapping.

Keep in mind that you can build a separate integration for every script section, each with their corresponding block labels.


Write down the block labels. This is what allows the app to push the correct data to your spreadsheet.

Connect Google Sheets to the SAS Google Sheets App

Now that you've documented the blocks, it's time to connect the app. Click the Integrations icon from the left-side navigation panel.

On the next screen, click Install next to the Google Sheets icon. 

Click the Connect button.

In the pop-up, you'll need to first select the account you wish to connect. Then, you'll need to click Allow on the next window. 

Configure Google Sheets

Now it's time to Configure the app. Click the Add Configuration button. 

Use the dropdown menu to select the specific Google Sheet where you'd like the data to go. Then click Continue.

Now you'll need to map data so that the variables our agents collect in your script push through to the correct field in your sheet. Click the Add Mapping button to begin.

From the Worksheet dropdown, select the specific worksheet where you'll be tracking the data.

Once you've selected the worksheet, the Column dropdown will become operational. The dropdown options will be the same as the column headers in your spreadsheet. Select the column header for the cell you are mapping.

In the next dropdown, you will see options for Collector and Text. 


If you are using the spreadsheet to document SAS calls as well as other data, the Text option will allow you to include static data in your Google Sheet to help you differentiate SAS data from other entries.

Select a column header along with the Text option. Now, fill in the blank box with your preferred text. 


To map script variables, select the column header that corresponds to the script question, and then select Collector from the Option dropdown.

The Collector dropdown will become operational. Select the block label that matches the data from the column header.

To map additional variables, click Add.

Repeat the instructions above to continue mapping each column header and script block. To remove any mapped variable from your list, just hover over it and click Delete. When you are finished, click Save.

Integrate Google Sheets into Your Script

When all of your integration settings are complete, contact SAS at to add the integration into the appropriate block in your SAS script, or follow these instructions to integrate the app yourself.

If you've disconnected and reconnected your configuration at any point, you'll need to re-integrate it into your script.

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