How to build a script with Logic Options

Within your script, a Logic Option can be used to provide the operators with different call options depending on the caller’s response or request. For example, a medical practice may want to set up a logic option for callers who are looking to schedule appointments, callers who are having an emergency, and callers who just have general questions. The appointment option can follow a path that leads to an online calendar, the emergency option can lead to a transfer to the on-call doctor, and the general call path can gather basic information for a return call.

In this article we'll discuss:

When to Use Logic Options

Logic options should be used when different call scenarios require different procedures or outcomes. Including them in your script will help streamline calls and allow your team to better prioritize callbacks. We've created options below that will take agents to a distinct set of questions for New vs. Existing customers.

You can also include Nested Logic Options in your script. Check out this article for instructions on how to add Nested Logic Options. 

Where to Add a Logic Option in a Script

Logic options can be placed throughout your script. Let's take a look at a few different scenarios.

Logic options are created by adding the Logic script block. Check out this article for more information regarding script blocks and their functions.

Adding a logic option in your Greeting block

A great place to add a logic option is right at the beginning of your script to help guide the call in the appropriate direction.

Check out this article for instructions on how to set up a Logic Option in your greeting.

Adding a logic option in the middle of a path

Adding a logic option in the middle of a path can send agents in different directions depending on how the caller responds to the question. For example, an HVAC company may have Greeting logic that asks if the caller is looking for Sales or Service. If Service is selected, they may have a secondary logic block to screen for Heating or Air Conditioning issues. Logic options can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be.

How to create a Logic block

To access the Block Builder, click on the Builder icon from the left-side navigation panel, then select  Blocks.

From the Blocks list under Block Templates, locate and select Logic.

Once the block populates on your screen, you'll see the Block Type along the top of the block, and a space to add a Block Label next to it. Block Labels will help us identify the block within the system later on. We named ours Specific Person.

Now under the Receptionist tab, you will need to fill in the operator text, or what you want the operator to say to your callers. In this case, we’ll be asking the caller who they are calling for.

Under the Logic tab, click Add new logic option to enter each option. If you'd like to add multiple Logic options at once, click the Add bulk option.

Under the Logic Label heading, add the list of items that agents will select from. In this example, we will add a list of specific people that callers may ask for, along with Tooltips and Icons that agents will see when they hover over each option. 
Adding an icon won't alter the script one way or another. It simply adds an image within the logic option so the agents can visualize the next steps. 

Tooltip text is optional, but it can sometimes be useful to provide the agents with any necessary clarification.

If you want to change the order of your options, simply hover over the 6-dot icon on the left, and drag and drop the options into place.

Under the Collector tab, we'll need to select a collector which is where data from this block will be stored. In this case, we'll choose our Specific Person collector, which we've already created. 

When you are finished creating your block, click Save.

Now that you've added a Logic Block, check out this tutorial for instructions on how to build a Section using Logic Options!

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