Steps for Building an SAS Flex Script

Here's a step-by-step list of everything you need to do to build a script workflow in SAS Flex! 

1. Add your Collectors (optional): SAS offers a handful of standard script variables, such as First Name, Phone Number, Email, etc. However, if you need to gather information from your callers that is customized to your business, you will need to add your own Collectors. If you just want to gather the basics, you can skip this step.

2. Add your Outcomes (optional): Like Collectors, SAS includes a variety of pre-set Outcomes, or Call Results, that can be used within your script to help define what happens on your calls. Message Ticket, Telemarketer, and Refused Message are all examples of Outcomes that are built into the system. However, you can create your own to help you and your staff categorize calls more easily.

While you can add custom Collectors and Outcomes before building your script blocks, they can also be created directly from the blocks using the Field tab (for Collectors) and Options tab (for Outcomes in Closing blocks).

3. Create your Script Blocks: Before you can start building your script, you'll need to lay the foundation by creating your script blocks. These are the steps within your script the operators will take to help handle calls. For example, the Full Name script block can be adjusted to gather the caller's first name, middle name, and last name. Depending on what information you want gathered and what actions you want the operators to take (schedule an appointment, transfer to your employees, etc.), you'll need to configure your script blocks accordingly. 

If you wish to build a script with more than one path, you'll need to create separate script blocks for each path. Once a script block is assigned to a path, it cannot be used anywhere else.

4. Create your Script Sections: Once you've finished creating your Script Blocks, you'll need to organize them into sections, or paths. For example, "Calling to Schedule" may be a script path that leads the agents to scheduling on your Google Calendar, while an "All Other Calls" path would allow agents to take a basic message for a return call.

You can also separate a long string of script blocks by using a page break script block to create multiple sections within the same path. This will require the agents to click a button to move forward in the script. It's a good rule of thumb to not have more than 5 blocks per section, which helps to ensure that no questions are missed in an overly long path.

5. Build your Workflow: Now that you've created your script blocks and organized them into sections, it's time to build your script workflow

6. Adding Advanced Options (optional): Once your script has been built, you can add the finishing touches by using some or all of the advanced script options. These options help further customize your script. 

7. Configure your Apps (optional): If you plan on integrating with any of SAS's available apps, you'll need to set up your configuration first before you can implement it into the script.

8. Attach a number to your script: After everything is programmed, you'll need to connect your script with a number. To request a forward number, contact our Customer Service team by phone at 866-688-8912 or by email at

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