Setting up Voicemail with an Advanced IVR
For clients who want to give their callers the option to leave a voicemail instead of connecting with an agent, a Voicemail block can be added within an advanced IVR. Voicemails will be sent to the email addresses of your choosing, but you can also listen to them within the IVR log of your online portal.
In this article we'll discuss:
If you are a medical account, setting up a voicemail block within your IVR will not be an option, as it is not HIPAA compliant to leave patient health information on a voicemail.
Creating a Voicemail Block
Within SAS Flex, go to the Builder icon on the left navigation panel. Then select IVR Blocks.

From the Builder drop down, drag and drop the Voicemail block to the center of your screen.

Under the Greeting tab, navigate to the Main greeting section. Here you can choose to use one of two options:
- Recording: This option will allow you to select your own recording file from the drop down.
- Text to speech: This option will allow you to type in your own message which our system will read to your callers

If you want a different message to play when you are closed for after hours or holidays, check the Activate away greeting box, choose Play when we are closed from the Frequency drop down and choose your respective recorded greeting.
In order for the IVR to be able to change based off your business hours or after hours, you'll want to make sure you have already created a business hours set and a holiday set. Additionally, you'll want to make sure your business hours set is selected under the Options tab within the IVR workflow.

Under the Options tab, select the Send call to Voicemail option. Then choose an Outcome and select the Profile(s) you would like voicemail messages to be emailed.
Voicemail messages will come from

Under the Field tab, you'll need to name your block. We named ours Voicemail.

When you are finished, click Save.
Adding a Voicemail Block to an IVR Workflow
Once your Voicemail block has been created, it's time to add it to your IVR workflow.
Within SAS Flex, go to the Builder icon on the left navigation panel. Then select IVRs.

If you already have an IVR created, go ahead and select it. If not, you'll want to follow the instructions in this article.

On the next page, you should see your IVR workflow. In our example, we want to have callers press 3 to leave a Voicemail. So, we'll need to update our Greeting block to include an option for Voicemail. To update your Greeting block, click on the hyperlinked Greeting field as shown below.

In the Greeting block, go to the Logic tab and click Add to add another option. Then select the number you'd like callers to press for Voicemail, and name the option accordingly. When you are finished, click Save.

Back on the IVR Workflow page, you should see your newly added Voicemail option within your Greeting block. Now we'll need to connect that option to your Voicemail block.

On the left-hand side of your screen, locate your Voicemail block under the Unassigned Blocks section. Then drag it out to your workflow.

Next, connect the Voicemail block to the Greeting block by clicking the empty circle in the Greeting block and dragging it to the empty circle in the Voicemail block as shown below. Then click Save.

When you are finished, click Save.
Congratulations! You've just built an advanced IVR. Now you'll need to assign your SAS numbers to the IVR and Script accordingly, or you can contact support for help!